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Results for "keyword: "walking""
Walls By Eliza Moore in the KidSpirit Human Dignity issue. We walk with it. Backs straight and eyes fixed to the air, As if receiving some great knowledge that can only be found In the shallows of t…
Ankles and Wobbling I remember with pleasure striding down the street as a young man filled with energy and nothing on my mind except reaching the place I was going to with speed and graceful movement. In New York City…
Slowing Down to Walk Contemplatively I have always been amazed at how much more I notice when I slow down. A street that I have driven down looks so different by bike, and even more detail emerges when I am walking. Walking meditativel…
Carrying Others' Burdens Catholic Wisdom If we all carry a little of the burden, it will be lightened. If we share in the suffering of the world, then some will not have to endure so heavy an affliction. — Dorothy Da…
What shall we make of this? Breath Prayer Breathing in: Old Wise One Breathing out: What shall we make of this?
In Praise of Doing the Same Thing All the Time In a fascinating article on, Derek Thompson admits to being a creature of repetition when it comes to entertainment. He has almost memorized the movie Dumb and Dumber and is perfectl…
Believing in Beginnings Prayer O God, help me to believe in the beginnings and in my beginnings again, no matter how often I've failed before. —Ted Loder in Guerrillas of Grace
Visions Along the Way Catholic Wisdom Each morning as you leave home for your place of employment, make sure that your real occupation is your preoccupation with experiencing God. Be engrossed in God no matter what wo…